CAS Faculty Shine
Richard Akresh, Economics,with Joyce Chen, and Charity Moore published “Productive Efficiency and the Scope for Cooperation in Polygynous Households.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 94(2): 395-401.
He also presented the following papers at conferences/invited talks:

"Child Labor, Schooling, and Child Ability"
New York University, Steinhardt School of Education
University of Virginia, School of Public Policy
"Alternative Cash Transfer Delivery Mechanisms: Impacts on Illness and Health Clinic Utilization in Burkina Faso"
National Bureau of Economic Research, Africa Project Conference
"Gender and Conditionality: A Randomized Evaluation of Cash Transfers in Rural Burkina Faso"
World Bank, Second Generation of CCTs Evaluation Conference
"Wars and Child Health: Evidence from the Eritrean-Ethiopian Conflict"
American Economic Association Annual Meeting
Tom Basset, Geography, published three journal articles: “Defending democracy in Côte d’Ivoire: Africa takes a stand.” Foreign Affairs 90(4): 130-40. (with S. Straus); “Winning coalition, sore loser: The 2010 Presidential Elections in Côte d’Ivoire,” African Affairs 110(440): 457-468 doi:10.1093/afraf/adr025 and “The REDD Menace: Resurgent protectionism in Tanzania’s mangrove forests.” Global Environmental Change. doi:10/1016/j.gloenvcha.2011.11.006 (with B. Beymer-Farris)
He also contributed book chapters “Integrating ecology into political ecology: Biomass burning and greenhouse gas emissions in northern Côte d’Ivoire.” In D. Gautier and T. Benjaminsin (eds.) L'approche Political Ecology. Pouvoir, Savoir, Environnement (Paris: Quae) (with M. Koné) and “The monetization of land transfers in northern Côte d’Ivoire.” In E. Jul-Larsen, P.-J. Laurent, P.-Y. Le Meur & E. Léonard (eds). Une anthropologie entre pouvoirs et histoire. Conversations autour de l'œuvre de Jean-Pierre Chauveau, Paris : Karthala-IRD-APAD. In addition, he wrote a number of pieces for the Huffington post on Côte d’Ivoire.

Antoinette Burton, History, published Brown over Black: Race and the Politics of Postcolonial Citation

( http://www.threeessays.com/titles.php?id=51)

Ken Cuno, History, published “Women with Missing Husbands: Marriage in Nineteenth Century Egypt,” in Objectivity and Subjectivity in the Historiography of Egypt: In Honour of Nelly Hanna, ed. Nasser Ahmed Ibrahim (Cairo, 2012), 156-70, and updated his article “Middle East” in the World Book Encyclopedia (2012), 13:530-35.

Alan Hansen, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, received the College of ACES Faculty Award for Global Impact. He also led his fifth study abroad tour to KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa.

Al Kagan, Africana Librarian, presented “Selected Internet Sources for the Study of Africa," at theAsociación Cubana de Bibliotecarios (ASCUBI) Conference, Havana, Cuba, February 17, 2012.

Bekisizwe Ndimande, Curriculum and Instruction, published “ Decolonizing research in post-apartheid South Africa: The politics of methodology’ in Qualitative Inquiry, 18(3), pp. 215-226; “Race and resources: Black parents’ perspectives on post-apartheid South African schools, “Race Ethnicity and Education and Lutas Docentes nas Escolas Públicas para negros na África do Sul pós-apartheid. Cadernos de Educação. 20(39), pp. 37-60.

Barry Pittendrigh, Entomology has won the Sheth Distinguished Faculty Award for International Achievement. Professor Pittendrigh gained this award for his program Scientific Animations Without Borders. This program produces Pixar-quality animations used to educate low literate learners across the globe on issues of agricultural development and public health. To view one of his animations visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjtOHFFJSpc

Allyson Purpura, Krannert Art Museum, with Christine Mullen Kreamer published "Visual Poetry/Performing Script: The Art of Wosense Worke Kosrof." In "NKA: Journal of Contemporary African Art" (spring 2012, issue 30).

Jonathan Zilberg, CAS Research Scholar, authored “Wood Sculpture and Masks”, “Art”, “Cults”, “Popular Culture”, and “Religion” in Traditional Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa: An Encyclopedia . Vol. 2, Africa. Ed. Edward Ramsey. London: SAGE.
He also wrote “Revisiting Country Music in Zimbabwe to Reflect Upon the History of the Study of African Popular Culture” in Music, Performance and African Identities. Eds. Toyin Falola and Tyler Flemming. London: Routledge Press and contributed a piece on Indonesia to Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa: An Encyclopedia . Vol. 3. East and Southeast Asia. Ed. Peter J. Seybolt. London: SAGE.
The following CAS Faculty were honored for teaching excellence for their performance in Fall 2011:
Adlai Murdoch, African American Studies 261
Alain Fresco, French 419 and 500
Jesse Ribot, Geography 496
David Wilson, Geography, 471
James Brennan, History 410
Jan Brooks, Human and Community Development 206, 208 and 379
Danarys Canache, Political Science 500
Behrooz Ghamari, Sociology 500
Rick Deja, African Studies 222 Online
Abdelaadim Bidaoui, Arabic 404
Mor Gueye, Wolof 201
Eman Saadah, Arabic 404