MA. in African Studies and MS. in Library and Information Science

The Center for African Studies and The iSchool of Information Sciences jointly offer a three-year MA in African Studies and MS in Library Information Science. This joint master's degree includes a program of language and area studies courses leading to an interdisciplinary Master of Arts degree in African Studies, as well as a program of study leading to a Masters of Science in Library and Information Science. The joint degree matches area expertise with professional education, and prepares students for professional careers in all types of information organizations, including libraries. Students will enroll in LIS during their first semester and thereafter be enrolled as students in African Studies.


Thesis Option

IS 451 Bibliography of Africa 4
IS 505 Information Organization and Access 4
IS 510 Libraries, Information and Society 4
IS 530 Collection Development 4
IS 590 Advanced Topics in Information Foundations 1-4

LIS elective courses are selected in consultation with an advisor who is a member of the iSchool faculty. (IS 591, 2 hours, and IS 592, up to 4 hours, may be included)

AFST 522 Development of African Studies 4
  African language proficiency at level of 6 semesters of course work (includes Arabic) NOTE: Hours for language can't be applied toward degree requirements, but are included in the calculation of the GPA.  
  Elective courses from the approved African Studies course list selected in consultation with an advisor who is a member of the African Studies faculty (coursework must be from 3 different disciplines; 8 hours must be at the 500-level, excluding AFST 550 and AFST 599; Maximum 4 hours of AFST 550 may be used) Electives and thesis must total at least 24 hours. 16_24
  Total 56

Other Requirements

Other requirements may overlap

Minimum 500 – level Hours Required Overall: 24

Minimum GPA: 3.25

Non-Thesis Option

IS 451 Bibliography of Africa 4
IS 505 Information Organization and Access 4
IS 510 Libraries, Information and Society 4
IS 530 Collection Development 4
IS 590 Advanced Topics in Information Foundations 1-4

LIS elective courses are selected in consultation with an advisor who is a member of the iSchool faculty. (IS 591, 2 hours, and IS 592, up to 4 hours, may be included)

AFST 522 Development of African Studies 4
  African language proficiency at level of 6 semesters of course work (includes Arabic) NOTE: Hours for language can't be applied toward degree requirements, but are included in the calculation of the GPA.  
  Elective courses from the approved African Studies course list selected in consultation with an advisor who is a member of the African Studies faculty (coursework must be from 3 different disciplines; 8 hours must be at the 500-level, excluding AFST 550 and AFST 599; Maximum 4 hours of AFST 550 may be used) Electives and thesis must total at least 24 hours. 16_24
  Total 56

Other Requirements

Other requirements may overlap

Minimum 500 – level Hours Required Overall: 24

Minimum GPA: 3.25