Interview with Dr. Annie Kinwa-Muzinga, U of I Ph.D. graduate

1. When did you graduate from U of I, from which department, and what was the subject of your dissertation?
I graduated from U of I in 2001. I have a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics with specialization in Food and Agribusiness Management and Strategic Management. My dissertation was titled, “Systematic Pricing of a Product Portfolio: An Analysis of Pricing Strategies for Agro-Biotechnology Seeds.”
2. What have you been doing since you left U of I?
Starting as Assistant Professor in spring of 2002 at University of Wisconsin at Platteville, I am currently Professor and Agribusiness Program Director. I also conduct research and provide consulting services related to agriculture. The focus of my current research is how to empower women in agriculture, mainly in developing countries and in particular in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
3. What awards and honors have you received?
- 2013 Outstanding Faculty Member in the School of Agriculture at UW-P
- 2012 Nominated for the 2012 USDA National Awards Program for Excellence in University Teaching in the Food and Agricultural Sciences
- 2011 Recipient of the 2011 AASCARR Distinguished Educator Award
- 2011 Nominated for the 2011 USDA National Awards Program for Excellence in University Teaching in the Food and Agricultural Sciences
- 2010 Recipient of the 2010 Thomas and Lee Ann Lindahl Teaching Excellence Award
- 2010 Outstanding Faculty Member of School of Agriculture
- 2009 Nominated for the 2009 UW System Alliant Energy Underkolfer Excellence in Teaching Award.
- 2008 Recipient of the 2008 UWP Woman of the Year Award
- 2008 Recipient of the 2008 UW System Outstanding Woman of Color in Education Award
- 2006 2007-2008 UW System Teaching Fellow Award
- 2005 Outstanding Faculty Member of School of Agriculture.
- 2002 NACTA Teaching Award of Merit.
- 2000-01 Incomplete List of Faculty and Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students (2000 Fall-2001 spring), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL
- 1988 B.S. with Distinction in Applied Economics, University of Kinshasa, DRC.
4. What are you doing now and what are your future plans?
I love teaching and being a valuable asset for my school, College, and University. My future plan is to continue research and publish my findings on how to empower women in agriculture in D.R. Congo

September 2013 in China /Hangzhou presenting a paper at the third BIT Congress of agriculture

2008 Women of the year Parade with 2007 and 2006 women of the year

With her daughter Tina Muzinga