Interview with Al Kagan, Retiring African Studies Bibliographer
Habari interviewed Al Kagan on his two decades of service to African Studies at U of I. He will be retiring in July of this year.

CAS Associate Director Completes Year As Chair of AASP
Dr. Maimouna Barro, Associate Director of CAS has just completed a year as the Chairperson of the Association of African Studies Programs (AASP), a leading national body in the field. She reflects on year and a recent visit to her home country, Senegal to take part in educational policy discussions.

CAS Hosts Conference on West African Peacebuilding
On March 11, CAS hosted a one day conference on peacebuilding in West Africa. The event, which about 50 people attended, featured a number of national experts on the region. The Mayor of Urbana, Laurel Prussing, opened the day’s program by highlighting the important roles such events play in linking Urbana to other parts of the world.

Renowned South African Artist Moshekwa Langa Visits U of I
World renowned South African artist Moshekwa Langa opened an exhibition at the Krannert Museum earlier this year. African Studies graduate student Ashley Sheriff caught up with him and his exhibit and provides Habari readers with insight into the artist and many photos of his work.

Professor Tsikata Talks on Gender and Land Transactions
Professor Dzodzi Tsikata, Director of the Centre for Gender Studies and Advocacy (CEGENSA) and Associate Professor at the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER) at the University of Ghana visited U of I to talk on transnational land grabs and gender. Tarnjeet Kanga reported for Habari.

Faculty and Student Publications, Presentations and Honors
CAS Faculty Chosen As Excellent Teachers-Fall 2012