Urbana-Zomba, Malawi Sister Cities Project launched The Sister Cities Project linking Urbana with Zomba, Malawi, is underway. Charles Kalemba, CEO of Zomba, and Administrator Mussa Mwale visited our community in March to kick off the project. Habari reports.

Famed Zimbabwean Dancer Nora Chipaumire Dazzles Uof I
World-acclaimed Zimbabwean dancer Nora Chipaumire spent several days at U of I as a guest of the dance department, the Krannert Art Museum, and the Center for African Studies.

CAS Associate Director Elected Vice-Chair of National Organizaion
The Center is proud to announce the election of our associate director, Dr. Maimouna Barro, as the vice-chair of the Association of African Studies Programs(AASP).

WEB DuBois Lecture: Haitian Scholar Reports on Current Situation
Professor Claudine Michel, head of the Department of Black Studies,University of California at Santa Barbara, presented the 2011 W.E.B. DuBois Lecture, entitled "Haiti: Roots of Inequalities, the New Social Contract, and Consideration for Effective Reconstruction."

CAS Runs First Online African Studies Course at U of I
This semester some 40 students, both on and off campus, are taking African Studies 222 online. This is the first African Studies course the University has offered via the Internet. So far it seems a resounding success. Habari reports.

First Join Masters' Program: African Studies and Library Science
Nathaniel Moore was one of four students who participated in the first joint Masters program between African studies and the Graduate School of Library and Information Science. He reports on his experience.

New Grad Assistant Links Center to Zomba, Malawi, Project
We are pleased to announce the appointment of PhD student Tholani Hlongwa as graduate assistant for the Center's public engagement program: Understanding Malawi in Urbana.

U of I Conference Honors Famed Historian Terence Ranger
Famed Oxford historian Terence Ranger visited U of I in October to attend a conference in his honor. Scholars from around the world spoke about Ranger's path breaking work on liberation, tradition, violence, and memory. Ranger also used the occasion to launch his new book, Bulawayo Burning.

U of I Students Visit South Africa
At the beginning of spring term, two groups of students, one led by CAS affiliate Jan Brooks of the Department of Human and Community Development and the other led by Ken Salo of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, visited Cape Town and Johannesburg. Two of the students give us their stories.

Champaign Girl Scouts Learn about Africa
On February 22, U of I student Anne Lutomia, who comes from Kenya, participated in the Girl Scouts' annual Thinking Day at Faith United Methodist Church in Champaign. Lutomia spoke to an audience of 80 Girl Scouts and 20 adults.