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Nathan M Castillo

Assistant Professor

Research Interests

My research investigates learning, teaching, and measurement in the Global South and how the appropriate use of technology can better support positive learning ecologies. My current research interests include early grade reading models in developing countries, the effects of education policies and organizational structures on student outcomes, and the application of advanced technologies for education.


Visiting Assistant Professor, Fundação Cesgranrio
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education

Ph.D. in Human Development, University of Pennsylvania

Ed.M. in International Education Policy, Harvard University

B.S. in Psychology, Colorado State University


Courses Taught

EPOL380: Education and Social Justice

CI446: Culture in the Classroom (Current, SP)

EPOL500: Proseminar for Doctoral Studies in Education Policy, Organization & Leadership

EPOL520: Education and Globalization (Current, FA/SP)

ERAM582: Evaluation with Applied Survey Methods II (Current, SP)

EPOL590: Information and Communication Technologies for Education Development in Global Perspective (Bi-annual, SP)


Additional Campus Affiliations

Assistant Professor, Education Policy, Organization and Leadership
Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction

Recent Publications

Alrawashdeh, G. S., Fyffe, S., Azevedo, R. F. L., & Castillo, N. M. (2024). Exploring the impact of personalized and adaptive learning technologies on reading literacy: A global meta-analysis. Educational Research Review, 42, Article 100587.

Castillo, N. M., Wagner, D. A., Alrawashdeh, G. S., & Gidra, A. (2023). Language choice, technology and international education. In R. J. Tierney, F. Risvi, & K. Ercikan (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (4 ed., pp. 817-824). Elsevier Science.

Global Education Monitoring Report Team, Castillo, N. M., Wagner, D. A., Alrawashdeh, G. S., & Moog, C. (2023). Edtech and marginalization: scaling for learning equity. UNESCO.

Alam, A., & Castillo, N. M. (2022). Can digital personalized learning end the world’s education crisis? Education for All.

Castillo, N. M., Adam, T., & Haßler, B. (2022). Improving the impact of educational technologies on learning within low-income contexts. In D. A. Wagner, N. M. Castillo, & S. G. Lewis (Eds.), Learning, Marginalization, and Improving the Quality of Education in Low-Income Countries (pp. 113-147). Open Book Publishers.

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