Contact Information
720 S. Wright St.
Urbana, IL 61801
Champaign, IL 61820
Research Interests
Environmental Sociology
Ecological Restoration
Collaborative Governance
Research Description
The primary question that motivates my research is: How do people participate in the decisions that affect their lives? In the past, I empirically investigated and theoretically explored this through the lens of community-based development in urban Tanzania. My current research looks at a contemporary aspect of nature-society relations that is fashioned from the principles of ecological restoration and collaborative governance. What I refer to as restorative development is an intentional practice to improve collective well-being by restoring damaged ecosystems and enhancing the social, cultural, and economic relationships that are tied to a particular landscape.
PhD., University of Minnesota
Courses Taught
Soc 122: Africa in World Perspective
Soc 161: Introduction to Poverty
Soc 226: Political Sociology
Soc 364: Impacts of Globalization
Soc 561: Development Theories
Soc 596: Global and Transnational Sociology
Global Studies 350: Poverty in a Global Context
Global Studies 450: Poverty Interventions and Evaluation
Additional Campus Affiliations
Associate Professor, Sociology
Affiliate, Geography and Geographic Information Science
External Links
Highlighted Publications
Dill, B. J. (2013). Fixing the African State: Recognition, Politics, and Community-Based Development in Tanzania. (Africa Connects). Palgrave Macmillan.
Recent Publications
Schreiber, K. L., Rodríguez, L. F., Witmer, A. P., & Dill, B. (2019). Understanding and incorporating stakeholder perspectives in international engineering: A phrase mining analysis. Paper presented at 2019 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Boston, United States.
Dill, B. J., & Khalil, H. (2018). Financing Sustainable Development? How International Tax Reform is Failing Africa. In J. L. De Maio, S. Scheld, & M. Woldeamanuel (Eds.), Sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa: Problems, Perspectives, and Prospects (pp. 91-108). Lexington Books.
Khalil, H., & Dill, B. (2018). Negotiating statist neoliberalism: the political economy of post-revolution Egypt. Review of African Political Economy, 45(158), 574-591.
Dill, B., & Aminzade, R. (2017). Historians and the Study of Protest. In C. Roggeband, & B. Klandermans (Eds.), Handbook of Social Movements Across Disciplines (pp. 141-183). (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research). Springer.
Boelens, R., Crow, B., Dill, B. J., Lu, F., Ocampo-Raeder, C., & Zwarteveen, M. (2014). Santa Cruz Declaration on the Global Water Crisis. Water International, 39(2), 246-261.