Since 2007 African Studies 222 “Introduction to Modern Africa” has been one of the few regularly offered interdisciplinary undergraduate courses on Africa. The course, under the direction of the Center for African studies, is a partnership with the departments of anthropology, political science, and sociology. We are delighted that for Spring 2011 the Center has made an online version of 222, co-ordinated by our Associate Director Maimouna Barro and supported by Teaching Assistant Nathaniel Moore. The online section is open to both Illinois undergraduates and off-campus students. A cohort of forty students enrolled for this term with that number expected to grow in the future.
Response to the class has been favorable, hopefully stimulating interest among a broader section of students in Africa. More importantly the curriculum and perspectives have served to help dispel some stereotypes about Africa. As one student put it: "Out of most of the online non-western Gen-ed courses, I think this is probably one of the most interesting. I look forward to learning about Modern Africa rather than the poverty-stricken Africa portrayed in the media.” Our congratulations to Dr. Barro and Nathaniel Moore for a job well done.